Privacy Policy

For what purpose does Bader Ltd require your personal information?

Bader Ltd collects and uses personal information about you primarily to supply you with the products you order from it and the information you request. If you subscribe to our mailing list, Bader Ltd will communicate our regular newsletter topics and also provide you with information about promotions, as well as the products and services of Bader. If you do not wish to remain a subscriber to our mailing list or otherwise receive updates on our products and services, you are able to remove your details from the subscriptions list via our website.


Your payment is processed through Windcave and Paypal Payment Gateway. Windcave and Paypal secures all your customer and credit-card data with military-grade software and servers, and the highest level of encryption available. Bader will not store or transfer any of your credit card information. All data is transferred using eWAYs secure servers.

What personal information does Bader Ltd collect?

The types of personal information that Bader records will depend on your usage of our site. If you carry out a transaction online or send us an email, Bader Ltd will record information that may differ from the information Bader Ltd collects if you simply visit our site.

Purchasing a product online

If you purchase and pay for our product or services online, Bader Ltd requires you to provide your account details and credit card details in order to process the payment. If you make an online query about your order you will be required to provide your order and contact details so that your inquiry can be resolved as soon as possible.

General requests

You can use the online forms for a number of other purposes such as to request further information about other Bader Ltd products and services. In order to process your request, we will require you to provide us with certain personal information. This includes such details as your name and contact. If you send us an email request, we will ask for similar information. We require this information to process your request and to improve the services we provide to you.

When you are making a query, Bader Ltd may also ask for information such as details about yourself or your company in order that Bader Ltd can better tailor its services or products to your needs and to provide you with information about other services or products you might be interested in.

Will personal information be given to anyone else?

We do not sell, provide, or allow our information to be viewed by any other person other than those employed by Bader Ltd. Personal information collected at this site will only be disclosed to third parties in accordance with this Privacy Statement and with the terms and conditions of any relevant service.

Information collected at this site may be disclosed to law enforcement agencies, government agencies, courts or external advisors where permitted or required by law.

Are personal account details stored safely?

Bader Ltd takes reasonable steps to ensure the security of personal information held by it from such risks as loss or unauthorised access, destruction, use, modification or disclosure of data. Bader Ltd only permits your details to be accessed by authorised personnel. Bader Ltd requires employees and contractors to perform their duties in a manner that is consistent with Bader Ltd legal responsibilities in relation to privacy.